Friday, February 15, 2008


A Tribute to VALENTINES DAY.... (:
lol...not really a tribute...but...oh well,..this post is all about pick up lines..
so GUYS, if ur alone during valentines day next year, try these.. (if u dare) *********************

1.Hey I'm looking for treasure, Can I look around your chest?
2.Is your name Summer? 'Cause you are as hot as hell.
3.Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged!
4.Do you know what'd look good on you? Me.

5.Do you have a Bandaid? Cos I just scraped my knee falling for you
6.Was your Father an Alien? Cos honey on planet earth there's nothing else like you!

7.You're eyes are bluer than the atlantic ocean and baby, I'm all lost at sea.
8. you must be a broom, cos u just swept me off my feet.
9.If you were a burger at McDonald's you'd be the McGorgeous.
10.If a fat man puts you in a bag at night, don't worry I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas.
11. Am I dead, Angel? Cause this must be heaven!
12.Hello, I'm a thief, and I'm here to steal your heart.
13.You must be from Pearl Harbor, because baby, you're the bomb
14. If stars would fall everytime I would think of you, the sky would soon be empty.
15. you must be the reason for global warming cos your hot
16. you have more curves than a race track
17. can i get a picture of you to prove to my friends that angels do exist?
18. *rub her back*, i thought angels had wings..
if anyone uses these pick up lines on you,
answer them like this. (:
Boy: “Haven’t I seen you someplace before?
Girl: “Yeah, that’s why I don’t go there anymore.”

Boy: “Your place or mine?”
Girl: “Both. You go to yours and I’ll go to mine.”

Boy: “I’d like to call you. What’s your number?”
Girl: “It’s in the phone book.”
Boy: “But I don’t know your name.”
Girl: “That’s in the phone book too.”

Boy: “Hey, baby, what’s your sign?”
Girl: “Keep Out”

Boy: “I know how to please a woman.”
Girl: “Then please leave me alone.”

Boy: “I want to give myself to you.”
Girl: “Sorry, I don’t accept cheap gifts..
haha..enjoy. (:
oh yea..
16th February: Happy Birthday Benji!

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