pn hanifah, you are seriously, the most unprofessional teacher i've ever seen.
*i dont think unprofessional should be used* it should be the word "worst"
unfortunately, she's my class teacher. the new one.
message to her:
you should know very well you are our class teacher.
so basically, we're like your children.
you educate us BUT, you complain about us to everyone (yes, literally)
like a family, parents educate their own children, no matter what they did, parents never reveal anything shameful about their children. because, what would they think of YOU? the very person who teaches us?
u have a problem? solve it in here, please dont spread it out like u wanna give us free publicity.
you are a nice teacher, i can say.
but the way u criticise your own 'children' is just down right nonsense.
if you are a good teacher, u would have the ability to keep us quiet without saying a word.
though u might think us students are just stubborn.
look at pn.Wong or pn Julie or pn Genga for example,
without saying a word she could just keep the whole class quiet.
forget the part about two of them being discipline teachers,
every teacher IS a discipline teacher. they discipline the students.
if the class is noisy, cant you keep us quiet? i know we are wrong to make noise.
why must you sometimes call pn.Julie to come to our class to make us stop talking?
pn. Aida, was a really great teacher. (ex class teacher)
she would scold us, scold and scold and scold, everyday, but she, however, never complained about our class when Pn. Julie asked.
Pn Aida is capable of keeping us quiet.
she's loves us okay? she does, i'm very sure.
UNLIKE YOU, i was there when u complained about our class not changing places in front OF PN ZAINI. what did she have to do with our class?
well, can you please be more attentive next time?
can you please check what is going on before simply going to other teachers and start complaining and criticising us?
theres a new seating plan so i dont know why, we just sat at our original places.
u never bothered asking, or checking, or going to the class and ask, why arent you all sitting at your new places?
in the end pn Julie had to come herself and make us sit at our places.
she said " i count to threee everyone go to the place that you're supposed to be sitting at.
she'd be a good class teacher.
she has to keep the whole afternoon session in control
give her a break, would you? keep your own class in control yourself,
got free time?
check on your class!
is that so hard?
so yeah, glad thats off my chest.
i'm sure youre a good and caring teacher, most of us treats you so nicely, but ur treating us unfairly.
so waddaya want? every single teacher in smk taman sea to know about how rotten we 2 jasmin students are?
i'm sorry to bore you with this long crap.
i just had to do that,
besides, my blog perlu update. :D
oh yea, you not happy with me?
come la!
i know kungfu! see (up there)
i give the punch then you know!
yes, thats me
luvs *